
Trying Again

As a comprehensive life review blogger I failed miserably. I reviewed a handful of things over a period of months, but come the long summer days I dropped off the blogosphere and my relic of a blog fell back into the abyss. Well, after an extended hiatus I'm thinking of trying again.

I have a new goal in mind, one which many 20-somethings can relate to: beer. I don't really drink liquor, and only use wine for cooking, but I've gotten in the habit of cracking open a brew whilst playing prep chef in the evening, and I can now safely call myself a semi-regular beer drinker. I am also growing into thinking of myself as a beer snob. I won't say I'm particularly knowledgeable, but I like to try new things and have certain likes and dislikes. Given the million different types of beer available on the market and the wide variety of flavors I occasionally have trouble remembering which beers I've tried. It's a slap in the face to buy a sucky beer for the second time because of a memory lapse.

If I can keep up my blogging, I intend to keep this as a catalogue of sorts. I will take brief notes on any new beers I try (when not hammered) and write down my thoughts here. Not only will taking notes and blogging about beers help me remember beers I like and dislike, but eventually I'll have a fair database of my drinking history and most likely a sad reminder that I could put a kid through college with the money I'm spending on beer.

To kick things off I got a mixed 6 of some interesting singles from Dorn's and I intend to get things rolling while I'm frying some catfish tonight.


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